
Queen of the Most Holy Rosary is blessed with many individuals that willingly give of their time to help others.  Following is a list of our current ministries and organizations.  Please check each week's bulletin for updated information or call the office with questions about whom to contact. Please note that for email addresses, you will need to eliminate spaces around @: xyz @ becomes

FUNERAL MASS ADULT ALTAR SERVERS--This ministry primarily provides servers for funerals. Contact: Joe Madrak (570-672-2007)

ADULT ALTAR SERVERS-- Contact Father Joe.

ALTAR LINENS—This ministry is responsible for the laundering of the finer towels and purificators used at Mass on a monthly basis.  Contact: Pat Wondoloski or Anna Deane (570-221-6116).

ALTAR SERVERS—This ministry is for children grades 3 to 12.  Training is given as needed.  Contact:  Father Joe.

CANTORS— Successful cantors must have a pleasant voice, project well, and, ideally, read music.  Candidates should be at least 13 years of age.  Cantors are chosen after auditioning with a selection committee.  Contact:  Anne Rutkowski

CHOIR—The choir is made up of persons who possess the requisite musical skills and a commitment to the established schedule of rehearsals and liturgies.  Choir members meet weekly on Wednesday at 3 PM from September to June for practice.  Contact: Anne Rutkowski.

LECTOR—This ministry proclaims the Word of God at parish liturgies.  The requirements are that a person be comfortable speaking in public and have a good reading voice.  Instruction is provided.  Contact:  Father Joe.


EXTRAORDINARY MINISTERS OF HOLY COMMUNION— Diocesan requirements for this ministry include being in good standing in the Church, faithful to Sunday and Holy Day Mass obligations, a commitment to the schedule and love of the Eucharist.  Candidates must be approved by the pastor.  Contact:  Father Joe.

USHERS—This important group arrives ½ hour before each Mass and cheerfully greets parishioners and visitors to the parish.  Ushers help latecomers find seats, and help elderly and physically challenged parishioners.  Contact Lou Odorizzi (570-898-0735) or Bob Sheetz (570-672-2708).


CENTERING PRAYER—Touch Base with the Indwelling Triune God  And Spend time with the Beloved.  Contact: Beth Graboski (570-509-2030).

RCIA—The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults is the process by which adults are received into the Catholic Church. Volunteers can either help teach the faith or simply be companions with those journeying to the Catholic Faith.  Contact:  Father Joe.


RELAY FOR LIFE—This ministry represents our parish in local events raising funds for the American Cancer Society.  Various fundraisers are held through the year.  Contact:  Brian and Mary Major (570-672-3287).


DISABILITY ADVOCACY—This ministry assists the pastor in working for and with parishioners with disabilities.  The advocate strives to assist persons with disabilities to become full participants in the life of the parish spiritually, physically and socially.  The advocate does this by promoting a spirit of invitation, welcome and inclusion.  Contact: Melissa Mrowka (570-648-0249).

GOOD SAMARITANS—The Good Samaritans provide assistance to the needy of our parish and community by sending monthly greeting cards, transporting persons to doctor appointments, running errands, making meals, assisting with personal bills, and help with the sorting and distributing of food at Thanksgiving.  No regularly scheduled meetings.  Contact:  Anna Deane (570-221-6116).

LAZARUS MINISTRY—Lazarus ministers assist those mourning the death of a loved one through prayerful participation at the funeral liturgy, calling the next of kin to offer condolences at the time of death, and to offer any assistance on the anniversary of the loved one’s death.  No meetings or dues.  Contact:  Marilyn Markish  (978-979-4399) or Mary Ziarkoski (570- 672-2678). 

PRAYER CHAIN—Prayer is at the heart of this ministry!  The prayer chain prays for the needs of our parishioners and those from other churches and communities.  This is an excellent ministry for the homebound, for people who work, and for the very busy.  All contact is by telephone and a quarterly written update is sent to all members.  Contact:  Alice Marks (570-286-0628).


BUILDINGS AND GROUNDS—This group takes care of parish grounds and buildings on a seasonal basis.  This includes staking markers for snow removal, raking leaves and picking up branches, planting flowers, cleaning out rainspouts, painting, and doing general repair work.  Other work as needed.  Contact:  Tim Staniszewski in the Parish Office.

DECORATING—This ministry decorates the church for the different liturgical seasons.  Some of its responsibilities include planning, ordering flowers, gathering needed accessories, decorating the church (usually on a tight schedule!) clean up, maintaining live flowers by watering and pruning, and changing altar cloths as needed.  Contact: Sheila Olsheskie or Pat Wondoloski in the Parish Office.

KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS—This fraternal order of Catholic men supports the parish by providing a labor pool as needed.  The Knights hold fundraisers, provide a scholarship for graduating members of our parish, and take part in community events.  All men are welcome to join this national fraternal group.  Contact: Grand Knight Vince Stanishefski  (kofc14161grandknight @ or 570.850.4065

OFFICE VOLUNTEERS—This ministry involves answering the phone, taking messages, writing out Mass cards, compiling letters for mailings, placing inserts into bulletin, etc. Volunteers also enable the office to remain open on a limited schedule while the office manager is away on vacation or out sick.  Contact:  Sheila Olsheskie (570-672-2302).

PRAYER SHAWL MINISTRY--This ministry knit and crochets items to be given to anyone needing a "hug from God."  Contact:  Judy Brokus (570-850-1309), Anne Rutkowski (570-672-3228), or Barbara Valeyko (570-412-1452).

LIBRARY MINISTRY--This ministry catalogs the materials in our parish library and reshelves borrowed titles.  Contact: Beth Graboski (egrabosk @  or 570-509-2030 after 5 PM).

WOMEN, WINE, AND PSALM—WW&P is a women’s fellowship group open to women of all ages of our parish.  This group sponsors many events in the parish and meets the first Monday of the month at 7 p.m. in the Library (September through May). Contact:  Tina Giles (570-441-6869).


CCD TEACHERS—This important ministry teaches the faith to the young people of our parish.  Classes are held from 9:15 to 10:15 most Sunday mornings from September to May.  Teachers are given instructional material to present the faith.  Contact:  Sr. Joseph Theresa (570-672-2302).

CCD AIDES—This group assists the CCD teacher in the classroom each Sunday morning and, on occasion, substitutes for the teacher.  Classes are held from 9:15 to 10:15 most Sunday mornings from September to May.  Contact: Sr. Joseph Theresa (570-672-2302).

FATHER SLOUGH SCHOLARSHIP FUND—Honoring the spiritual guidance and leadership of former pastor Father Slough, this committee distributes an annual scholarship to a student of Holy Rosary Parish who is seeking a Catholic education.  Meeting twice a year, the Board of Directors is responsible for the stewardship and distribution of scholarship funds.  Contact:  Ann Benedict (570-648-1150).


PRO-LIFE--This important group implements the Church’s pro-life mission and teaching of upholding the sanctity and dignity of all human life from the moment of conception until natural death.   Adults and children invited to join.  No formal meetings at this time.  Contact:  Michele and Steve Resuta (570-672-1040).

WEDNESDAY PINOCHLE CLUB--If you like to play pinochle this is the group for youContact: Gingie Britton (570-875-9264)

ALSO ...  Elysburg Food Pantry (donations accepted weekly in the vestibule); Elysburg Fuel Assistance Fund; Pregnancy Care Center; All Home Days; Northumberland County Children & Youth; Diocesan Vocation Programs; Boy & Girl Scouts.


PARISH DINNERS & EVENTS—Throughout the year there are numerous opportunities to help before, during, and after these activities.  Contact:  Sheila Olsheskie (570-672-2302).

LOBSTER FEST—This annual event is held each summer.  The committee meets in late spring to plan the menu, activities, and entertainment.  Volunteers assist with food service, setup and cleanup.  Contact:  Meg Yeager (570-672-1923) or Sheila Olsheskie (570-672-2302).